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Your Guide To Corporate Gifting Policy

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We are sure that you do not want to land up in an awkward situation where your intentions behind corporate gifting that are solely pure are mistaken, nor do you want your intentions to be overshadowed by a simple mistake. Corporate Gifts Singapore involves understanding cultural sensitivities and acknowledging them.

Many times you may think that giving away a gift to the client may not look professional, but by following certain gifting etiquettes you shall never go wrong. By following these tips, you are just nurturing the relationship in a better way.

  • Make sure you abide by the compliance laws
    Surprised? Many corporates have set of compliance laws that facilitate you to stay out of a mess and deliver the right gift to the right person. The line between gifting and bribing in many cases is very thin, and hence you need to know these Thomson Reuters guide on corporate gifting. 
    Generally Acceptable: 
    * Gifts of nominal value bearing the company logo.
    * Meals where the gift giver and the gift receiver are both present.
    * Perishable gifts.
    * Gifts that fall under applicable legal and company gift limits.
    * Gifts approved by a supervisor
    Generally Unacceptable
    * Gifts to government officials.
    * Multiple gifts.
    * Requests for charitable donations.
    * Gifts of more than nominal value.
    Definitely Unacceptable
    * Lavish gifts.
    * Gifts of high value (grossly exceeding company threshold).
    * Gifts intended to influence business decisions.
    * Gifts to government officials for expedited service.
    * Gifts that may be considered bribes.
    * Solicited gifts.
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  • Gifting people outside the company:
    Yes, you can always buy gifts for clients, prospects, service providers, and business partners. This gifting helps you nourish your relationship, which can then convert into a business deal. The task of gift selection for this scenario is quite tricky as the gift should be delivered neutrally without exchange or any promotion of your brand. You need to play a safe game and buy small but not a cheap gift.
  • Gifting people inside the company:
    Gifting a similar type of gift irrespective of their job roles are always appreciated. If you are responsible for selecting the gift, make sure you choose something that looks genuine and aligns with the recipient's interest. Ensure that the gifting strategy is documented whenever you think of implementing a change.
    The nature and value of the gift should remain consistent while gifting a token of appreciation for the coworker, employee, boss, or a prospective client. When you are gifting the whole team, all the gift types are acceptable but should have the same value. Gifting is an excellent indication to them that you value their hard work, but it might look inappropriate if you make a gaffe situation.
  • Do not go beyond the budget:
    An over expensive or extravagant gift can alter your whole intention behind gifting. Hence, buy a gift that looks neutral and doesn't influence the prospects and clients in any way. Never overspend going outside your budget limit because an expensive gift may deliver the message that the person indebted to you.
  • Read the company's handbook:
    If you have access to the company's handbook, read it, discuss it with HR and team for gift giving. And if you do not have access, reach out and discuss it together with the company's HR professional.
    The motive behind following the company's gifting policy is, your good intentions should always remain good. A small token of appreciation or a Door gift Singapore is always appreciated. Be smart and increase the company's productivity by giving the right gift.